Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Cigar Box Guitar

Ever since I saw Seasick Steve on TV I have wanted to get into the whole D.I.Y ethos and so began my intrepid journey through Google where I stumbled upon Cigar Box Nation. A fascinating site that has lots of info and other builders uploading photographs of their  builds .
Heres the link for those that are interested : http://www.cigarboxnation.com/
The photographs in this post  are of my own self built , my favourite of my builds so far, CBG .
Its a 3 string Acoustic  , the box is a Montechristo Havana, both Bridge and Nut are old Keys of some description (not quite sure of their original purpose I bought them from a guy in the local market whos stock mostly consists of 'random' for the princely sum of 30p for the 2. The String anchor mechanism is a reversed cabinet hinge that i bought from a small hardware shop in town for 40p. The neck runs through the entire length of the box and has a scale length of 27.5'' . I fretted the instrument using a wood file, a small pocket knife sandpaper and toothpicks using this fret calculator :
A really useful tool !!!!
Making sure the frets did not 'pop out' I glued and clamped them into place over night. The final additions to my Guitar were a soundhole and fret markers. I found from previous builds its best to wait until you have the neck in place before you do these tasks. the soundhole  is simply a Sink drain hole cover cut into the box and then glued into place, the fret markers are drawing pins that are glued into place.
If you would like to build your own heres a link to a 'How to':

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